The Theatre Laboratory of Drama and Speech of the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Patras in collaboration with the Municipal Public Benefit Company – Patras Carnival implements the program “Lies and Truth in the Fairy Tales”.
In the workshops that began on December 7, 2021, and will continue until May 13, 2022 (every Tuesday and Friday) primary school students attend narrations of Greek folk tales. Fairy tales, as we know, have their roots in the beginning of humanity and were born simultaneously in all cultures from India and China to Greece and the rest of Europe. Fairy tales are magical, zoomorphic, humorous, didactic, compassionate and take place in a fairytale, mythical world, transcending the limits of reality. In this world, both the young and the older listener find what fascinates him/her and appropriate it as a legacy and invaluable personal heritage for the rest of his/her life. The young listeners in room K7 attend the narrations of fairy tales, participate in the process of creative listening, and then they become creators themselves inventing a fairy tale of their own, a song, or making masks and costumes for the heroes.
In charge of the program “Lies and Truth in Fairy Tales” are Despina Georgakopoulou (“Acting II” & “Criticism in the context of Theatre in Education”) and Maria Frangi, PhD, members of the Special Teaching Staff of the Department of Theatre Studies and teachers at the Theatre Laboratory of Drama and Speech of the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Patras. 3rd and 4rth year students, as part of their educational training, as well as other members of T.L.D.S., prepare and narrate Greek folk fairy tales.

Theatre Anthropology
The Balinese dance theatre using a mask

A Master Class and a Workshop held in two consecutive days in Theatre Anthropology by Wayan Bawa, E.Barba’ s collaborator(I.S.T.A.), concerning the Balinese ritual dance theatre and its training. Theatre Apollon 1/11/2021 and Dance Hall of the Cultural Organization of the Municipality of Patras, 2/11/2021.
Barba-Varley Foundation
“Learning to see”
Ten films on theatre anthropology created by Eugenio Barba, Claudio Coloberti and Julia Varley with up-to-date documentation and archival material of the International School of Theatre Anthropology.
Access is possible from the website, through the university network. For remote access options Πρόσβαση 24/7.
Courses Workshops
Theatre activities in the educational process
The Theatre Laboratory of Drama and Speech of the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Patras, implements a series of lectures, training seminars and workshops designed for teachers of all levels of education entitled: “Theatre activities in the educational process”.
Lifelong Learning Center (KEDIVIM)
Theatre Praxis: Art and Creativity
Annual duration, face-to-face teaching program covering many practical areas of theatre.
See more